” The Mighty Universal Language of the Love” by Rocky Romano (Part 1)


0413150754-00Autumn, beautiful sunset at Alki Point, Seattle. The vast sea, always full of life left relentless waves reaching up to the quiet coast. Jean Paul a French writer without fame, totally unknown in the environment of writers, walked impatiently leaving footprints on the wet sand. Is that Julianne would not attend the meeting that both had scheduled?. When his heart was about to explode, she come, looked so beautiful as ever, her hair down wind moved it from side to side, approached to him, there was fire in the eyes of both. Jean Paul laid his hands on her shoulders and said, ” Ma vie, Je me sais pas comment je suis ne dans ce imprevue mon amour pour toi est s’ profonde qu’ aucune explication.” “Oh, Jean Paul, I do not understand what you’re saying, but I feel what you’re saying and like you, I do not know how this unexpected love…

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